Launching Ceremony of the Commemorative Projects Committee for the 100th Anniversary of Kanto Massacre
Launching Ceremony of the Commemorative Projects Committee for the 100th Anniversary of Kanto Massacre
  • 미디어기평 기자
  • 승인 2022.08.30 17:36
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Launching Ceremony of the Commemorative Projects Committee for the 100th Anniversary of Kanto Massacre


Date and time : July 12, 2022 at 11:00 a.m

Location : Press conference hall on the 19th floor, Korea Press Center

MC : Secretary-General Yeong hwan Kim

(Chairperson of the Joint Action Policy Committee for the Resolution of the Compulsory Mobilization Problem and the Settlement of Resoultions with Japan)



Man yeol Lee, chairman of the Joint promotion committee

(Independent Chairman of the Citizens’ Meeting)

Jong gul Lee, chairman of the Joint Promotion Committee

(representative of Korean Council for Reconciliation and Cooperation)


Congratulatory Address :

Ki hong Yoo, a special member of the National Assembly

Mi hyang Yoon, a special member of the National Assembly


Regimental Ambassador :

The Investigation Team in the Truth about Forced Korean Laborers in Japan

Committee on State Responsibility for the Kanto Massacre of Koreans


Progress Report : Secretary-General Yeong hwan Kim


Announcement of the Business Plan : Jong soo Kim, Chairman of the Executive Committee (1923 Korean in Japan and Korea-Japan Citizens' Solidarity)


Speech 1 : Mi hee Son, co-chairman of (Citizens’ Association to protects our school and children)

Speech 2 : Kwang yeol Kim, co-chairman of (The Association of Korean-Japanese National Studies)

Comment 3 : Kyung min Kim, co-chairman of National Council of YMCAs of Korea


Read the Declaration of Establishment
Eun hyung Kim, vice chairman of Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, and Kwon Huh, vice chairman of Federation of Korean Trade Unions

Commemorative Projects Committee for the 100th Anniversary of Kanto Massacre


July 12, 2022


Declaration of Establishment


Today, with the will of the Korean civil society to find the truth of the 1923 Kanto Massacre, restore the honor of the victims and inherit memorial activities, we form the Commemorative Projects Committee for the 100th Anniversary of Kanto Massacre.


We deeply sympathize with Japanese society, shocked by the recent death of Abe. We cannot, however, help but mention that he has consistently denied Japan’s responsibility for the Kanto Massacre, and that, refusing to reflect on colonial rule and invasions, he has worshiped at Yasukuni Shrine. It is also hard to deny that Abe has played a key role in promoting anti-Korean sentiment in Japanese society; ruling out financial aid to Joseon schools, restricting local suffrage for Koreans in Japan, and making Korea the worst victim of the Supreme Court’s ruling on forced labor in the Japanese colonial era. We are seriously concerned that the current Japanese government, saying it inherits the will of former Prime Minister Abe, wishes to revise the Constitution Article 9 of 1947 which renounces war.


The Kanto Massacre symbolizes Japanese imperialism and its colonial rule on Joseon. We will no longer tolerate the buried truth. During the hundred years since the Massacre, the Japanese government has kept the truth hidden; it has destroyed evidence and denied the historical truth. On behalf of the victims, we will also demand the South Korean government’s responsibility for delaying truth-finding for 80 years since the national liberation. It has not sent a single line of memorial remarks to the victims of the Massacre.


First of all, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Kanto Massacre, we urge the Japanese government to fulfill its duty to reveal the truth of the Kanto Massacre. We urge the Japanese government to disclose why and how many Joseon workers and international students were slaughtered in 1923, where the remains of the victims are, and to open all investigative data related to the victims. In particular, we urge the data mentioned “under investigation” in 1923 during the Imperial Assembly by then Prime Minister Konno Hyou Yamamoto be released in detail.


The Japan Federation of Bar Associations recommended in 2003 the Japanese government to ‘recognize the state's responsibility,’ ‘make compensation for damages done to victims and bereaved families,’ and ‘take measures to prevent recurrence.’ The Japanese government should now acknowledge its national responsibility for the Kanto Massacre, make sincere apologies, and settle its historical debt accordingly. It should also make efforts to immediately stop all kinds of anti-Korean hatred incitement in Japan.


The Korean government should as well reflect on its failure to fulfill its responsibility for the Kanto massacre. It is still very much necessary to properly commemorate the Massacre victims and offer consolation to the bereaved families who have waited endlessly without knowing if their families are deceased. The remains of the victims should be taken to their hometowns. Efforts should be made to restore the honor of the victims who died of unfair charges. In addition, diplomatic efforts should be made to ensure that the Japanese government comes up with responsible measures to fundamentally resolve the ongoing hatred, exclusion and discrimination toward Korean residents in Japan.


On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Kanto Massacre, we will carry out projects to properly commemorate the massacre victims and to properly inherit historical memories. Our efforts will include the legislation of the Special Act on the Truth and Rehabilitation of Victims. In order to find out the truth about the Kanto Massacre, we will be in solidarity with civil society in China and Japan, as well as South and North Koreans in Japan, and unite with global citizens who are with us in holding Japan responsible for its national violence. The fact-finding of the Kanto Massacre, which cannot be delayed any longer, will establish itself as a meaningful step toward solving today's challenges of overcoming colonialism and realizing peace in East Asia.

Statement of Solidarity 1

To those who are hosting and participating in the launching ceremony of the Commemorative Projects Committee for the 100th Anniversary of the Kanto Massacre


We are a Japanese civic group called ‘A gathering to hold the state responsible for the Massacre of Koreans in the Great Kanto Earthquake.’ The group was formed in 2010 by citizens and researchers who have conducted memorial services and investigations into the Massacre of Koreans in various areas of the Kanto region during the Great Kanto Earthquake. During the Great Kanto Earthquake in 1923, the Japanese government was involved in the Kanto Massacre killing mainly Koreans. We demand the Japanese government acknowledge its responsibility, apologize to the victims and bereaved families, and carry out its own investigation. Japan‘s earnest move to find out the truth began in the 1960s. Unfortunately, there are many unclear points such as the actual condition of the Massacre and the names of each victim. Today, just before the 100 years’ anniversary of the Great Kanto Earthquake, we are here with your will to investigate the truth and promote a project to commemorate the dead victims in Korea. We hope your movement will achieve results, and we are encouraged by your strong will to continue the memorial service and fact-finding campaign in Japan. We send you this message with sincere respect for your actions.

July 12, 2022

Committee on State Responsibility for the Kanto Massacre of Koreans

Masataka Tanaka of Japan(田中正敬)










関東大震災朝鮮人虐殺国家責任会事務局長 田中正敬

Statement of Solidarity 2

To participants to the launching ceremony of the Commemorative Projects Committee for the 100th Anniversary of Kanto Massacre


Having a year ahead of the 100th anniversary of the Massacre, it is timely and meaningful to form ‘the Commemorative Projects Committee’ with South Korean civic groups as a project to commemorate the victims, console the bereaved families, get to the bottom and hold Japan accountable.


‘The Investigation Team of the Truth on Forced Korean Laborers in Japan’ expresses gratitude to all of you participating in this meaningful launching ceremony of the Committee. We offer sincere words of encouragement to the participants who have devoted lots of wisdom, effort, and hard work to launch the Committee.


It has been 100 years since countless Koreans, who left their hometowns and crossed Korea Strait to escape from Japanese colonial rule, were massacred. Up until today, however, the Japanese government has not tried to explain what happened. It did not apologize nor reflect on the victims and bereaved families.


Meanwhile, far-right groups in Japan are publishing books denying the massacre of Koreans in order to mislead public opinion. Also, with hateful and discriminatory words they blatantly obstruct memorial meetings and intent on removing the memorial monument.


Provincial Governor Koike has to reveal the facts. Instead of fulfilling her duties, she refused to send a memorial letter which has been customary since the monument was built and agreed with far-right groups.


The blood-stained past cannot be justified or buried even after 100 years. The resentment of the victims will be resolved only when the Japanese government apologizes for the crimes committed against our country and people and stops unfair discrimination and oppression against their descendants.


We will strongly unite with the Commemorative Projects Committee and denounce Japan's far-right groups trying to conceal and revise their sinful history, and raise public opinion demanding the liquidation of colonial rule.


With this launching ceremony, we hope you make a great progress and achievement in holding Japan responsible for the Kanto Massacre, overcoming colonialism, and realizing peace in East Asia.


July 12, 2022


The Investigation Team of the Truth on Forced Korean Laborers in Japan

Progress Report of the Commemorative Projects Committee for the 100th Anniversary of the Kanto Massacre


1. Proposal for the formation of the Commemorative Projects Committee for the 100th Anniversary of the Kanto Massacre


The year 2023 marks the 100th Anniversary of the Kanto Massacre.

The truth of this massacre representing Japanese colonial occupation of Korea has not come to fully light, because the Korean government did not get to the bottom of it for 75 years after National Liberation.


It is shameful that we do not know much about the Kanto Massacre. There are many questions that have not been answered; who died unjustly in Kanto in 1923, why they had to die, where their remains are buried, where are the bereaved families waiting for the victims, and who is responsible for their unjust deaths.


We should remember the efforts of Zainichi (Koreans in Japan), Japanese citizens who have not given up and consistently tried to uncover the truth. That is why some have been revealed so far.


Now, Japan's ruling far-right forces are manipulating ‘anti-Korean’ and ‘anti-North Korean’ public opinion for domestic politics, and based on ‘history denial theory’ they by no means regret colonial rule and aggression wars. As the hatred and discrimination are uncritically expanded and reproduced by the media, Zainichi are routinely threatened by direct damage. Given this condition, investigating the Kanto Massacre is a task that cannot be delayed any longer.


We propose joint action with the South, the North, Zainichi, and the Japanese society in unity to properly commemorate the victims, console the bereaved families, get to the bottom and hold Japan accountable. The investigation of the Massacre can not be postponed anymore. It will be a meaningful effort to solve the historical task of getting over colonialism and realizing peace in East Asia. We ask you to join the Commemorative Projects Committee for the 100th Anniversary of the Kanto Massacre.

2. Meeting Chronology

2022.03.02. Preparatory meeting for commemorative projects

2022.03.15. Preparatory meeting

2022.03.29. Preparatory meeting

2022.04.19. Preparatory meeting

2022.05.11.Preparatory conference for the Commemorative Projects Committee

2022.05.27. Preparatory conference

2022.06.16. Working session for the Committee


3. Participating groups(In Korean alphabetical order)

1923 Genocide Research Center, 1923 Korean in Japan and Korea-Japan Citizens' Solidarity, The South Korean Committee for Implementation of June 15 Joint Declaration, 가재울녹색교회, Joint Action for resolving the problem of forced mobilization and clearing up the past with Japan, Movement for One Korea, Memory and Peace Social Cooperative, Kim Daejung-Lee Heeho Memorial Foundation, The Hope of KIM Bok-dong, 독립유공자유족회, Korea Provisional Government Memorial Project Association, Office for the Promotion of National Unity, Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism, 대한불교조계종 용산불교역사문화게승단, The Mongyang Memorial Foundation, Past History Committee of Lawyers for a Democratic Society, The Center for Historical Truth and Justice, 민족작가연합, Korean Council for Reconciliation and Cooperation, Stepping stone for peace, Toward of Peace In Korea, The April revolution association, 삼균주의청년연합회, 삼균학회, 서울민족예술단체총연합, 순국선열유족회, Citizens’ group INDEPENDENCE, Asia Peace & History Education Network, Ahn Jung-geun Memorial Association, Joint Action against Yasukuni, 여성교회, Institute of Korean Historical Studies, Citizens' Association to protects our school and children, 우사김규식연구회, The Korean Council for Justice and Remembrance for the Issues of Military Sexual Slavery by Japan, 자립지지공동체, Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, 조선민족대동단기념사업회, 조선의열단기념사업회, Jo So-Ang Memorial Association, Mongdangpen People with KoreanSchool in Japan, 주권자전국회의, 촛불교회, Equality Peace Reconciliation, Peace Treaty Movement, Justice and Peace Committee of The National Council of Church in Korea, Federation Of Korean Trade Unions, The Federation of Artistic & Cultural Organization of Korea, Korea Alliance for Progressive Movement, National Council of YMCAs of Korea, The Association of Korean-Japanese National Studies, Korea-Japan Reconciliation and Peace Platform, Han Teo History and Culture Research Society, Heung Sa Dahn, KIN(Korean International Network).


4. Appointment of Joint Promotion Committee Chairman(In Korean alphabetical order)

1923 Korean in Japan and Korea-Japan Citizens' Solidarity (Joint Representative Haehak Lee)

The South Korean Committee for Implementation of June 15 Joint Declaration(Permanent President Chairman Sam yeol Kim)

Joint Action for resolving the problem of forced mobilization and clearing up the past with Japan(Joint Representative Heeja Lee)

Movement for One Korea(Chief Director Sungwoo Cho)

The Center for Historical Truth and Justice(Major General Heonyoung Im)

Korean Council for Reconciliation and Cooperation (President Permanent Chairman Jonggeol Lee)

Citizens’ group INDEPENDENCE (Professor Manyeol Lee)

Joint Action against Yasukuni(Joint Representative Seung Seo)

Citizens’ Association to protects our school and children(Joint Representative Mihee Son)

Korean Confederation of Trade Unions(Chairman Kyungsoo Yang)

The Korean Council for Justice and Remembrance for the Issues of Military Sexual Slavery by Japan(Lee, Na-Young Chair of Board)

Federation Of Korean Trade Unions(Chairman Dongmyung Kim)

The Association of Korean-Japanese National Studies(Professor Kwangyeol Kim)

Korea Alliance for Progressive Movement(Representative Chungmok Han)

National Council of YMCAs of Korea (Secretary General Kyungmin Kim)


5. Selection of Executive Secretariat(In Korean alphabetical order)

Director of Executive Committee : Jongsoo Kim(1923 Korean in Japan and Korea-Japan Citizens' Solidarity Permanent Representative, Head of 1923 History Hall for Memory and Peace)

Executive Office : Joint Action for resolving the problem of forced mobilization and clearing up the past with Japan

Director of Executive Office : Yeong hwan Kim(Chairman of policy of Joint Action for resolving the problem of forced mobilization and clearing up the past with Japan, Planning director of The Center for Historical Truth and Justice)

Member of Executive Office : Eunju Jung (Movement for One Korea Head of International peace), Heesoo Han (National Council of YMCAs of Korea Assistant administrator)


6. An executive committee and Participating Group

Legislative Committee : Promotion of various tasks for enacting a special law, solidarity activities for members of the National Assembly

- Participating Group : 1923 Korean in Japan and Korea-Japan Citizens' Solidarity, Lawyers for a Democratic Society.

Literary Committee : Planning cultural and artistic activities including memorial events and perfoRmances for the 99th and 100th anniversaries of the Kanto Massacre

- Participating Group : The Federation of Artistic & Cultural Organization of Korea, 민예총, Citizens group INDEPENDENCE, Equality Peace Reconciliation

Academic Committee : Planning and enforcing the International Symposium

- Participating Group : 1923 Genocide Research Center, Asia Peace & History Education Network, The Association of Korean-Japanese National Studies, 한신상생전환센터, Heung Sa Dahn, Policy committee of Korean Council for Reconciliation and Cooperation

Committee for International Cooperation : Solidarity and communication between Korea and Japan promotion committees / Solidarity and cooperation with global organizations including Japan, North Korea, and China

- Participating Group : The South Korean Committee for Implementation of June 15 Joint Declaration, Movement for One Korea, The Korean Council for Justice and Remembrance for the Issues of Military Sexual Slavery by Japan, The Center for Historical Truth and Justice, Korean Council for Reconciliation and Cooperation, The National Council of YMCAs of Korea, Korea-Japan Reconciliation and Peace Platform, KIN(Korean International Network), Justice and Peace Committee of The National Council of Church in Korea

Board of Education and Public Relation : Supporting for educational activities of each organization / Press and promoting the promotion committee’s activities

- Participating Group : Memory and Peace Social Cooperative, Stepping stone for peace, Mongdangpen People with KoreanSchool in Japan, Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, Citizens’ Association to protects our school and children, Federation Of Korean Trade Unions, Han Teo History and Culture Research Society

Special Committee : Members of the National Assembly to participate in the joint motion of a special law

- Participating Group : 올바른 역사교육을 위한 의원모임

Main projects and United Activities of Commemorative Projects Committee for the 100th Anniversary of Kanto Massacre


  1. for enacting a special law of Finding the truth about the Kanto Massacre and Restoration of the victim’s reputation

Current status On June 6th, Ki hong Yoo's office and the Special legislative committee of the Commemorative Projects Committee for the 100th Anniversary of Kanto Massacre launched a campaign to urge lawmakers to participate after final consultations to draw up the bill, and planned to hold a public hearing on September 19 after the 99th anniversary of the memorial service.


2. International academic conference about Kanto Genocide

Current status - National Institute of Korean History, Northeast Asian History Foundation, Independence Hall of Korea, 1923 Genocide Research Center will jointly hold an on-off international academic conference on September 2nd, 2022 about “The History of East Asian Memories, Records, and Representations on the Massacre of Koreans and Chinese in the Great Kanto Earthquake.” The 100th-anniversary international academic conference will be promoted through joint planning of participating organizations.


3. Co-hosting the 99th·100th anniversary of the memorial service in Korea & Attending the memorial service in Japan

Current status The 99th anniversary memorial service for victims of the Kanto Massacre in Korea will be jointly organized by 문예위 on September 1st, and a delegation of the Commemorative Projects Committee for the 100th Anniversary of Kanto Massacre will participate in the 99th-anniversary Commemoration Ceremony in Japan. (Scheduled on Yokoamichō - 1st, Arakawa 3rd )


4. Permanent exhibition of Kanto’s history

Current status A special exhibition for each theme of the Kanto massacre is being held at <1923 History Museum for Memory and Peace> in Cheonan, and a special exhibition will be held to commemorate the 100th anniversary. A traveling exhibition is planned for teenagers and citizens in each region.


5. Introducing problems of the Kanto Genocide to international society

Current status The booth will be displayed at the WCC Gernamy competition from August 31st to September 8th. It will be co-hosted by 한국기독교장로회 교회와사회위원회 1923진상규명소위원회 and Committee on State Responsibility for the Kanto Massacre of Koreans


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